On a beautiful, sunny, warm day in Campbell, the adorable couple Janice and Holm tied the knot at the lovely Ainsley House. I was so lucky to be apart of their big day and had so much fun putting their flower arrangements together.
I met with them a little over a month before they got married, on a referral from Miranda at Divine Affairs Events. They weren't very sure about a theme, but they knew that they wanted dark pink, red and orange in their flowers. We went through many pictures and talked about likes and dislikes and finally came up with a game plan.
For her bouquet, I used a bouquet holder wrapped in gold angel hair and white beaded wire. I used roses, orchids and dahlia's to add color and texture to the bouquet.
For the groom's boutonniere I used rolled orange rose petals and wrapped the stem with the same angel hair and bead wire to match his beautiful bride.
For the bridesmaid, I did a smaller version of the brides without the orchids. Instead of bead wire, I used red decorative wire.
The groomsmen and fathers got rolled orange and red petals with the same wrap as the bridesmaids.
The mothers of the bride and groom got a shoulder corsage with a pink rose and orange alstromeria. The wrap matched the brides bouquet.
The flower girls got matching baskets with a sheer orange ribbon and angel hair handle.
For the ceremony, we did aisle runners out of moss cones, and three arbor pieces with orange fabric draped in a "v" shape. The flowers used were roses in pink, red and orange, alstromeria, gerbera dasies, calla lillies and celosia.
They also had a cocktail hour following the ceremony before the guests headed to the reception site. I designed two tall buffet pieces and small cocktail table designs Flowers used for these designs were orange and pink dahlias, pink, orange and red roses, and three call lilies as a crown. The vases for the buffet were tall black Eiffel Tower vases and the cocktail tables used clear square vases with red stones.

On to the reception! One of the things Janice requested is that we use potted plants in the pieces. Most of their guests were from out of town, but the few that were from the area, she wanted to have them take home a plant arrangement that they could remember forever. She also really liked a centerpiece that had a tall manzanita branch surrounded by flowers at the base. After much, thought, I developed this design:
Using potted plants as well as cut flowers, I was able to create the look she wanted and have something for her guests to take home. I am really happy with the way that they turned out and I received many rave reviews from the bride and other guests. Maybe using potted plants is going to be the trend in 2013! It really does look nice and is a great gift for guests!
All in all, it was a very successful, beautiful event! Congratulations to the newly-weds!